Thursday, October 21, 2010

What The...???

Seriously, what is with The Girl lately? She keeps leaving, for a bunch of days in a row...not that I can tell time, but well, that big yellow thing-y in the sky comes up, goes down, and keeps repeating that pattern, sooooo...I assumed. Oh, and the fact that other people, who are CLEARLY NOT The Girl come over and give us food. Which makes them ok people to be, but still...she is shirking her duties. I mean, I need some quality Girl time. And for the last REALLLLLLLLY long while, she's been telling us that "Grammy Gloria" wil be here soon. Well, that's great. Last time that lady was here, The Sister and I got our nails cut...which sucks. (Actually, I love it, but NEVER tell The Girl, I try to squirm around as much as does The Sister.)

So, back to Grammy Gloria. Now, I do like this lady, I remember her, she gives us treats and plays with us...ahem, I mean she cares about ourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sorry, The Girl is home today after "traveling" - whatever. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Grammy Gloria caring about our well-being. And, she's pretty nice too...but she smells like other cats, lots of other cats, and I don't know what to think about that.

So, now that The Girl is back again, maybe strange people won't have to come over (not strange, like strangers, no, I know who they are (The Tall One came over a few times, and just this last trip, it was someone who has been here before, but only when The Girl is, never on her own...I called her The Funny One, because she thought it would be cute to take pictures of us BEFORE feeding us the other day...and I thought it'd be funny to claw at her face. I didn't. Claw her face that is, I'm way above that level, but I thought it - and thought it would be funny...hence, The Funny One) but they are strange, weird, oddball, not normal, etc. (The Girl keeps a Thesaurus around here somewhere, and sometimes I get bored - don't judge...))

So, anyway, what was I talking about? Hmmm...doesn't matter, I don't remember, and I don't really care anymore, as long as The Girl stops this awful "traveling" stuff...

Baby Kitty

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shiny New Things

Bah. I must stop letting The Girl control my time in front of this computer thing. I will have to work on that with her (and by with her, I mean by planting direct suggestions in her brain.) I haven't been here in soooooooo long, there is so much different now. I hate different. (well, I don't really hate different, but I pretend to)

Anyway, a little while after my last post, I got, oh, what's it called??? Oh, yeah...a "sister". Whatever. All I know is that the girl was gone for a really long time one day, and then came back to MY house with ANOTHER CAT!!! Can you believe that???? She kept telling me that it was Rocky, her brother's cat, but I didn't care...if it was HIS cat, why was she at MY house??? Seriously. So, I tried to hate her. I hissed at her every chance I got, and I swiped at her, but (unfortunately) she has claws no more swatting for me. And then I...

Sorry, there was a bug I thought I saw, and that was more important than this silly "blog" So, back to the "sister". I chased her around, in fact, she basically lived under the bed...hahahaha, the creature under the bed!!!

But then something happened. We moved. The Girl kept telling me that we might move, and then she kept asking both of us (me and the "sister") if we were excited for moving day. I tried to express to her that I really didn't care one way or the other as long as the food bowls and clean litter boxes would be there. (Not that my two - yeah, I have two perk of the "sister" - are ever dirty, but I wanted to make sure she didn't forget how to clean them) So one day all of a sudden, I'm caged into something. I mean, rude!! One minute I am relaxing on the bed, enjoying the sunshine, and the next minute...I'm stuck inside a little tiny box. (At least the "sister" was in a box too...) And then these other people came over and took all the stuff from the house, and then the girl took us in the car thing. (Gosh I really hate that makes me kinda ill). Then we were in some new building, but it had all of MY stuff in it. Yes, it was all in different places, but it was all there. (And there was a different TV thingy there too...better than the old one, and still on the swivel-y thing.) So, I start explorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........oh, sorry, The Girl started scratching and I got to wonder it takes me so long to write a single post. Not that time matters to me.

Anyway, I started exploring this new place, and I found that it wasn't too bad. I had a new circular track for my exercising The Girl keeps asking me if I am qualifying for the Kitty 500...I have no idea what that is, but I am not into competing...well, I am, actually, but only with the "sister".) And yes, the "sister" was there too...but now she wasn't the creature under the bed anymore. Crap. She realized pretty quickly that this wasn't the place that I owned, but a new place and that we both sorta owned it...the one time that a cat's intelligence has turned out bad for me. Anyway, I tried the hissing with the "sister" again, but she wasn't having it anymore. Fine. I'll stay out of her way, she will stay out of mine.

So, this computer and mouse-y thing...oooh, mouse...wait, blog now, mouse later...aren't in the same room as the good TV anymore, but that's ok, cause The Girl says that "fall TV" is starting up soon. (Not a clue, nor do I care.) but she spends more time in that other I should be able to write more now.

Ok, I must go and find out why The Girl hasn't refilled my food bowls (two jobs, food and hard is that???)

-- Baby Kitty

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year...And Other Stuff...

So the girl finally let me on here again. She has kept me away from the fun mousey for months and has been horrible. Even when she left me with The Tall One I couldn't get to the computer...and I wanted to, trust me.
So apparently it is a new year...not that I really care though...same days to me. As long as the girl continues to fill my cat food bowl we're good to go! Oh, and cleans out the litter box...yeah, that is important to.

On the food note though, The Girl bought this new wasn't all hard and crunchy like my normal food, and I still have my normal food, but it was soft and good, and I wanted more of it, but I have yet to see more of the yummy soft stuff...maybe she thinks I don't like it...I will have to get my thoughts directly to her brain...not sure exactly how yet, but I'm working on it...

So, before The Girl left, she put this green pointy thing in the window, blocking my access point to the nice window thingy...I like the window thingy. Anyway, even though The Girl is back now, the green pointy thing, with all the prett lights and shiny baubles is still up, and she keeps saying "I need to take the Christmas Tree down" but she makes no such movements. Sheesh...just put my table back already...

But it's cool...what I am a little worrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..Purrrrrrrrrr.....mmmmm scratches...I love those scrrrrrrratches...ah...

Ok, I'm back...what was I saying? Oh yeah, I'm a little worried...The Girl keeps telling me that we might be moving. Again. I am tired of moving. I mean, really. We've been here for the longest so far (well, at least I think so anyway, you know how my sense of time is...) She asked me if I wanted to help her pick out places to look at...realistically...I don't really care (see above re: my cat bowl and litter box being filled...) She seems to really care though, so I will try to be helpful (and by helpful, I of course mean sitting on her paperwork and in her way whenever possible...hey, its my job.)

Bah, the girl is coming now...I must go, but never fear...I won't be far away, I can convince the girl to be away from this machine for a few minutes at least...

--Baby Kitty

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Still Have Lots to Say

So anyways, the girl really hasn't let me write very much lately...even though she hasn't been using this computer thing-y...with the mouse....oooh, mouse...wait, no, must remain calm.

She left for a while, something about a birthday I think...but I am not certain what a birthday is...although, every now and then, she tells me it is my birthday...there is usually some sort of present involved, so that's good, and so, I am gonna go ahead and say "Yay birthdays, birthdays are good!" Anyway, when she was gone, the other one came and fed me...she stayed and did some other stuff too...she wouldn't let me use the computer either...whatever...but she fed me...

Then, get this...after she comes back, a few days after anyways, she brings home BOTH the other one and the tall one...I mean really...isn't this my home??? Did I SAY she could have visitors??? Nope...didn't think so. It is okay though, they actually aren't that bad, but I want to make sure that she knows whose home this is...Wait? What was that??? Hang on!!!

Okay, I am back...I don't think it was really anything, but I think I will keep my puffy tail for a while, just in case anyone thinks of trying to annoy me...

Anyway, I am bored with this now, but...I will write again soon...if I feel like it...

-- Baby Kitty

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Girl's Day Home week...or possibly last month, last year...who knows, I don't really have a sense of time...anyway, sometime that isn't right now...the girl didn't leave for the whole day, like she ususally does. (The night before, she kept telling me that she was "working from home tomorrow"...whatever that means)

So, it is time to get up (and by that I mean...I am awake, so everyone else should be too) but the girl...she just ignores me! I mean I playfully try to get her up...I'm helping...I know this, she must get up, she always does...after being shooed (again with the shooing) off the bed and her mumbling something like...don't BITE!!! at me, I decided fine, I have better things to start my daily routine. (What, I can't have a routine?)

I relax, I sleep on the couch a bit, I stare out the window (the girl opened the door to the sleepy room at least and let me have run of MY home)...I am just about to settle down and watch some TV when the girl finally gets up. And what is the first thing that she does? Adjust the TV so it is straight again. I mean come on, I had just got it angled the way I want shows are about to begin here...seriously...fix that. But she doesn't understand the meaning of my staring at her, instead, she just keeps asking me to "tell momma EVERYTHING" (if she only knew) So I ignore her and go back to the staring...she won't fix the TV...but she isn't even watching it...she has noise coming out of the computer....oooohhhh...hang on, shiny things.

Sorry, about that (well, not really, I mean SHINY THINGS! Hello!!) anyway, where was I...oh yeah, she had noise coming out of the computer, and she had another computer that she was working on (so I couldn't even get online...she was sitting right there) and to top it off, I think she was on the phone at the same time...point being, why couldn't I watch TV if she wasn't...

In the past, I have tried to put the TV back before she gets home, so she doesn't know that I watch it during the day, but recently, I realized, I don't care...too much effort to swivel it twice in one day...and if she would stop swivelling it back every day, well, I wouldn't have an issue.

Back to her day home wasn't too horrible...even without seeing my shows...there was way more scratching going on that day, she sat in front of that other computer most of the day, but she did take some time to make sure I was happy (as she my servant...she is at my beck-and-call...she knows this...) But I am not sure I want to see her here too much...I have my routine, and she isn't normally a part of it...

Gotta go, things to chase...or pretend to chase...

-- Baby Kitty

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Rude!

So the girl won't share her ice cream with me. She keeps telling me "Cats can't have chocolate" (or dairy) but is SOOOOOOO yummy. Why don't I get yummy treats like that...I mean, I do get this really yummy treat called "Kitty Kaviar" (stupid name...and it looks like fish food...) but I WANT ICE CREAM. I tried to knock it out of her spoon a couple of times, but nooooooo, I get NOTHING!!!

That's ok, I showed her...I am now controlling most of her picture, my name...and more to change eventually. When I feel like it.

The other one is okay though, she was over here one day, and she gave me cheese (just a tiny piece) so HA...NO DAIRY THAT, GIRL!!!

Sorry I am yelling so much today, norrrrrrrmally I am not like thissssssss, mmmmm, wait, scrrrrrrratches....

Ok, back now...and somehow, I completely forgot why I was angry earlier. The girl is pretty ok most of the time, she does make sure I have food and water, and occasionally she will give me some of her food...except yesterday, when I found a piece of pizza crust that she left behind...she took that from me...but she gives me chicken and turkey lunch meat now and again.

But anyway, back to how rude! She actually thought that she could sleep in today as long as she wanted to. I mean really, I have been up for several hours already. Well, there were a multitude of naps in between waking times...but most other days she is up at the same time, so I figured today wouldn't be any different...but it was. She kept telling me, it's Sunday. So? I have no concept of time or days, what the heck is Sunday anyway? I'm still up...she should be too. She is....ooooh, I hear food being poured...gotta go. Bye!

-- Baby Kitty

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Me. Ow.

Ah, my adoring fans...both of you...I know I haven't been writing that much, but really, c'mon - I'm a cat, not that much happens to me. The girl hasn't even been to the place here where I get to write in deal with it.

There is one thing that I would like to discuss, however, and it is quite important...why must the girl be so obsessed with cleaning my eyes and nose? Really. Is that necessary. It makes me not want to go by her sometimes because she'll start PICKING at me...but she does give some good scratches....mmm...I think I'll go get some now...

Ok, I'm back...and like I was saying...good scratches (plus she feeds me...usually...and keeps my litter box clean...) so I guess I'll let her stay here...I might even let her think she rules this place, but if any of you talk to her, could you please tell her to stop constantly cleaning my eyes and nose. Really irritating.

That being said, nothing else is new here, the girl brought home some new toy thingys for me, they are OK...but she never brings REAL mice...that would be fun.

Well, I'm off to enjoy some quality napping. (And possibly chewing on things that I shouldn't be chewing on...)

-- Baby Kitty