Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Rude!

So the girl won't share her ice cream with me. She keeps telling me "Cats can't have chocolate" (or dairy) but is SOOOOOOO yummy. Why don't I get yummy treats like that...I mean, I do get this really yummy treat called "Kitty Kaviar" (stupid name...and it looks like fish food...) but I WANT ICE CREAM. I tried to knock it out of her spoon a couple of times, but nooooooo, I get NOTHING!!!

That's ok, I showed her...I am now controlling most of her picture, my name...and more to change eventually. When I feel like it.

The other one is okay though, she was over here one day, and she gave me cheese (just a tiny piece) so HA...NO DAIRY THAT, GIRL!!!

Sorry I am yelling so much today, norrrrrrrmally I am not like thissssssss, mmmmm, wait, scrrrrrrratches....

Ok, back now...and somehow, I completely forgot why I was angry earlier. The girl is pretty ok most of the time, she does make sure I have food and water, and occasionally she will give me some of her food...except yesterday, when I found a piece of pizza crust that she left behind...she took that from me...but she gives me chicken and turkey lunch meat now and again.

But anyway, back to how rude! She actually thought that she could sleep in today as long as she wanted to. I mean really, I have been up for several hours already. Well, there were a multitude of naps in between waking times...but most other days she is up at the same time, so I figured today wouldn't be any different...but it was. She kept telling me, it's Sunday. So? I have no concept of time or days, what the heck is Sunday anyway? I'm still up...she should be too. She is....ooooh, I hear food being poured...gotta go. Bye!

-- Baby Kitty

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Me. Ow.

Ah, my adoring fans...both of you...I know I haven't been writing that much, but really, c'mon - I'm a cat, not that much happens to me. The girl hasn't even been to the place here where I get to write in deal with it.

There is one thing that I would like to discuss, however, and it is quite important...why must the girl be so obsessed with cleaning my eyes and nose? Really. Is that necessary. It makes me not want to go by her sometimes because she'll start PICKING at me...but she does give some good scratches....mmm...I think I'll go get some now...

Ok, I'm back...and like I was saying...good scratches (plus she feeds me...usually...and keeps my litter box clean...) so I guess I'll let her stay here...I might even let her think she rules this place, but if any of you talk to her, could you please tell her to stop constantly cleaning my eyes and nose. Really irritating.

That being said, nothing else is new here, the girl brought home some new toy thingys for me, they are OK...but she never brings REAL mice...that would be fun.

Well, I'm off to enjoy some quality napping. (And possibly chewing on things that I shouldn't be chewing on...)

-- Baby Kitty