Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Still Have Lots to Say

So anyways, the girl really hasn't let me write very much lately...even though she hasn't been using this computer thing-y...with the mouse....oooh, mouse...wait, no, must remain calm.

She left for a while, something about a birthday I think...but I am not certain what a birthday is...although, every now and then, she tells me it is my birthday...there is usually some sort of present involved, so that's good, and so, I am gonna go ahead and say "Yay birthdays, birthdays are good!" Anyway, when she was gone, the other one came and fed me...she stayed and did some other stuff too...she wouldn't let me use the computer either...whatever...but she fed me...

Then, get this...after she comes back, a few days after anyways, she brings home BOTH the other one and the tall one...I mean really...isn't this my home??? Did I SAY she could have visitors??? Nope...didn't think so. It is okay though, they actually aren't that bad, but I want to make sure that she knows whose home this is...Wait? What was that??? Hang on!!!

Okay, I am back...I don't think it was really anything, but I think I will keep my puffy tail for a while, just in case anyone thinks of trying to annoy me...

Anyway, I am bored with this now, but...I will write again soon...if I feel like it...

-- Baby Kitty

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Girl's Day Home

Ok...so...last week...or possibly last month, last year...who knows, I don't really have a sense of time...anyway, sometime that isn't right now...the girl didn't leave for the whole day, like she ususally does. (The night before, she kept telling me that she was "working from home tomorrow"...whatever that means)

So, it is time to get up (and by that I mean...I am awake, so everyone else should be too) but the girl...she just ignores me! I mean really...so I playfully try to get her up...I'm helping...I know this, she must get up, she always does...after being shooed (again with the shooing) off the bed and her mumbling something like...don't BITE!!! at me, I decided fine, I have better things to do...like start my daily routine. (What, I can't have a routine?)

I relax, I sleep on the couch a bit, I stare out the window (the girl opened the door to the sleepy room at least and let me have run of MY home)...I am just about to settle down and watch some TV when the girl finally gets up. And what is the first thing that she does? Adjust the TV so it is straight again. I mean come on, I had just got it angled the way I want it...my shows are about to begin here...seriously...fix that. But she doesn't understand the meaning of my staring at her, instead, she just keeps asking me to "tell momma EVERYTHING" (if she only knew) So I ignore her and go back to the staring...she won't fix the TV...but she isn't even watching it...she has noise coming out of the computer....oooohhhh...hang on, shiny things.

Sorry, about that (well, not really, I mean SHINY THINGS! Hello!!) anyway, where was I...oh yeah, she had noise coming out of the computer, and she had another computer that she was working on (so I couldn't even get online...she was sitting right there) and to top it off, I think she was on the phone at the same time...point being, why couldn't I watch TV if she wasn't...

In the past, I have tried to put the TV back before she gets home, so she doesn't know that I watch it during the day, but recently, I realized, I don't care...too much effort to swivel it twice in one day...and if she would stop swivelling it back every day, well, I wouldn't have an issue.

Back to her day home though...it wasn't too horrible...even without seeing my shows...there was way more scratching going on that day, she sat in front of that other computer most of the day, but she did take some time to make sure I was happy (as she should...as my servant...she is at my beck-and-call...she knows this...) But I am not sure I want to see her here too much...I have my routine, and she isn't normally a part of it...

Gotta go, things to chase...or pretend to chase...

-- Baby Kitty

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Rude!

So the girl won't share her ice cream with me. She keeps telling me "Cats can't have chocolate" (or dairy) but whatever...it is SOOOOOOO yummy. Why don't I get yummy treats like that...I mean, I do get this really yummy treat called "Kitty Kaviar" (stupid name...and it looks like fish food...) but I WANT ICE CREAM. I tried to knock it out of her spoon a couple of times, but nooooooo, I get NOTHING!!!

That's ok, I showed her...I am now controlling most of her myspace...my picture, my name...and more to change eventually. When I feel like it.

The other one is okay though, she was over here one day, and she gave me cheese (just a tiny piece) so HA...NO DAIRY THAT, GIRL!!!

Sorry I am yelling so much today, norrrrrrrmally I am not like thissssssss, mmmmm, wait, scrrrrrrratches....

Ok, back now...and somehow, I completely forgot why I was angry earlier. The girl is pretty ok most of the time, she does make sure I have food and water, and occasionally she will give me some of her food...except yesterday, when I found a piece of pizza crust that she left behind...she took that from me...but she gives me chicken and turkey lunch meat now and again.

But anyway, back to how rude! She actually thought that she could sleep in today as long as she wanted to. I mean really, I have been up for several hours already. Well, there were a multitude of naps in between waking times...but most other days she is up at the same time, so I figured today wouldn't be any different...but it was. She kept telling me, it's Sunday. So? I have no concept of time or days, what the heck is Sunday anyway? I'm still up...she should be too. She is....ooooh, I hear food being poured...gotta go. Bye!

-- Baby Kitty

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Me. Ow.

Ah, my adoring fans...both of you...I know I haven't been writing that much, but really, c'mon - I'm a cat, not that much happens to me. The girl hasn't even been to the place here where I get to write in forever...so deal with it.

There is one thing that I would like to discuss, however, and it is quite important...why must the girl be so obsessed with cleaning my eyes and nose? Really. Is that necessary. It makes me not want to go by her sometimes because she'll start PICKING at me...but she does give some good scratches....mmm...I think I'll go get some now...

Ok, I'm back...and like I was saying...good scratches (plus she feeds me...usually...and keeps my litter box clean...) so I guess I'll let her stay here...I might even let her think she rules this place, but if any of you talk to her, could you please tell her to stop constantly cleaning my eyes and nose. Really irritating.

That being said, nothing else is new here, the girl brought home some new toy thingys for me, they are OK...but she never brings REAL mice...that would be fun.

Well, I'm off to enjoy some quality napping. (And possibly chewing on things that I shouldn't be chewing on...)

-- Baby Kitty

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Velcro, Napping, and Other Fun Things

So, apparently it has been some time since the girl has let me write anything...but seeing as I have no sense of time...it could have been yesterday - you don’t know.

Anyway, it does seem like lots of stuff has happened since the last time I got to play with the mouse-y thing. There was this one day...the girl was playing with cords, I tried to play too, but she just shooed me away. Again with the shooing. Anyway, I think she was trying to make it neater in the home place, because she kept tripping on the cords that lead to the computer. So she gets them all put away and she has this stuff...what was it called...wait for it...oh yeah, I remember now, she yelled, "Bring back that Velcro!!!" So it must be called Velcro. Anyway, it was just sitting on her bed for the longest time how was I supposed to know she wanted to use it. I saw it, wanted it and took it. Eventually I gave it back (and if she thinks that she "found" it...she’s wrong, if I didn’t want her to have it back, it would still be mine) So that’s overrrrrrrrrr oh, no, time forrrrrrr some purrrrrrrrrrrrrrring...she picked me up...be rrrrrrrright back...

Hello. I’m here again. Got bored with the scratching...well, not bored, actually I thought I saw a bug and jumped down to chase it...but it was only, well nothing..I saw nothing, and by the time I realized it was nothing, the girl had moved on to other things. I tried to go back and get her to pay attention to me, but she kept telling me to get away from the hot stove. Whatever that means...

So the other day this other person was here...I think the girl calls her Joanne...I call her the other one. Anyway, the other one was using this mouse-y thing, and I was ignoring her...she is in my place, what does she think she is doing here. The girl isn’t here, she shouldn’t be here...but the girl lets the other one come over now and then to use the mouse-y thing...and sometimes she’s here A LOT. But whatever. I like not being the only one here, not that I will ever admit it. Back to the other one though...she kept trying to get me to play with her, she wanted to scratch me, and while I like the scratching, she is not the girl...so no scratching for you. (There is also this rrreeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy tall person that comes over once in a while...tries to pick me up...definitely not sure about that one...) But the other one gave up and was watching the other big screen thing in this room...I think the girl calls it the TV. So I thought I would tease the other one...got near her, let her think she could possibly pet me then HA!!! nope....I’m out of here! But, then the girl gets home, so I have to go to the other one too, because I don’t want the girl to think that I am a rude hostess...and I - WAIT! I’ll be right back!!!

Ok, sorry, I saw this red circle bug looking thing, it kept moving around really fast, and I needed to chase it a bit...I think the girl was controlling it though, because sometimes it would be very still and other times it would rest on my paw, but I couldn’t feel it at all...

Hmmm...what else has gone on...not a whole lot, I have done some more exercising, I really like my spot on top of the cabinets. Ooh, I have a new spot in the bedroom...I finally realized that I like those things called, um...pillows I think. Anyway, I know that the girl uses two of them when it is sleepy time, and there are two more, (what, just because I am a cat does not mean that I cannot count...I can type for goodness sake, I can certainly count.) Anyway, there were two more not being used, so I took them. They are mine now. (And, don’t ever tell the girl this...I’ll deny it...I really like snuggling next to her at sleepy time, she’s good people)

Hmmm...I think it is naptime...well, ok, it can always be naptime, but I have been awake for almost an hour now...definitely sleepy...

-- Baby Kitty

Saturday, March 1, 2008

It's That Time

Workout day!! Yay!! So what do I do to workout you might ask? Well, for starters, I do a lot of running. (In between naps of course) Yeah, it is easiest to run at night for me, because I like to make sure people know I exercise, so I have to wait until the girl is home...and if there are other humans around, better yet!!! It starts out nice, quiet, and relaxing...and then all of a sudden, something shiny catches my eye...well, not always, but most times...and off I go!!! I like to do laps: tear through to the bedroom, jump on my bed (the one I let the girl sleep on too...) make a circle (sometimes) jump down, fly to the front of this place, jump on my chair (seat) to the chair back, and back down. Repeat. This is my routine. Wait...something is moving outside...

Ok, I'm back...apparently it was just a leaf (like the girl told me) but I had to ensure that it would bring no harm upon this home. So I watched it. For like an hour. Now, confident that we are safe, I have returned to write some morrrrrrrrrre. Oh, hang on, I haven't had a good scrrrrrrrratch all day....Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Yeah, back again. Sorry, I got stopped on the way back though by a new plastic bag thingy...the girl brings these in and out of the house like everyday. Today, she took this one, all closed up outside and brought it back in with stuff in it...some of which makes noise when I step on it...puffy tail powers, no worries! Anyway, this bag had a bunch of well, garbage, in it, so I got bored and came back here...I think I am bored of this too now though.


-- Baby Kitty

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mousy Toyz

ME-OW. The girl is in a bad mood...she doesn't even want to pet me. I was sitting on her shoulder, purring (like always) and she shooed me down. Shooed me. I never...well maybe that one time. Ok, so I did try to bite her forehead, but still...shooed? C'mon.

Whatever, I am over it, I found a mousy toy, I know it isn't a real mouse, but it is the closest I'll ever get to a real one...she doesn't even let me outside...ever. I suppose that is good though, there was a cat outside yesterday, and I had to puff up my tail so it looked more like the other cats. I also tried growling, but I don't think it heard me...oh, well...who cares.

But back to the girl...and her mood. I tried bringing her the mousy toy, but she didn't want it. She was trying to type for a while, but I am pretty sure I made her give up on that.. (well, so what if I felt like sitting on the keyboard...it is MY house after all.)

Now, sometimes she calls me monkey...and I am fairly sure she knows that I am NOT a monkey, but one can never be too careful, so I usually purr very loud when she calls me that...monkey's don't purr, do they? Oooh, wait.....I'll be back...

Sorry, she threw the mousy toy, and I had to run after it...then of course I realized it appeared that I was playing, so I left it alone and nonchalantly came back to the computer. She hadn't started typing again, so I am good.

I wish I knew what was wrong with the girrrrrrrl...oh, now she wants to pet me...she stillll seems upset, but who am I to rrrrrresist some nice scrrrrrrratching...


Baby Kitty

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It Is All About Me

Well, the girl (hey, if she can call me "baby kitty" I can call her "the girl") finally let me get on the computer to type something...oooh, mouse. Wait, I know...not that kind of mouse. Fine.

So I spent the last few days pondering my existance here in this (yet again) new home. It is much smaller than the last one, but at least I have more than one room to be in. But the girl closes the door to the room with the most water...wait, shhh...what was that noise? Nevermind, I have puffed my tail in case anyone comes in...anyways, she closes the door to the water room all the time so I can't make any mischief in there...what is that about?

There are also none of those OTHER animals here, like there were after the scary ride...we may have even not been on the ground, I don't know...I felt really good during the ride, but I don't remember too much of it. So, basically, I like this place. I can control the world from the big opening by my chair, or sometimes I control what happens from my high perch near the ceiling. Whereverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......

Sorry, the girl came over and started scratching and I started purring...it was all over from then, but my mind control made her stop. I have to finish writing soon though, before she comes back again. Now, where was I? Eh...doesn't matter...oh, wait, controlling the world. Yeah...so I have decided that I will begin working on the girl, it takes a while with her, but eventually she learns. I like to have things a certain way. For example, the other day there was someone sitting on my chair. So I stared at them for like 7 hours...when that human refused to move I sat on the OTHER chair staring at the fuzzy weird thing for another 7 hours (or five minutes...whatever) Anyway, finally the girl moved the fuzzy weird thing and I could sit on the chair...even though it was the wrong chair. I thought the other human might be smart enough to realize she was on MY chair, but I guess not...oh well...

Uh oh, herrre comes the girrrrrrl again....must. Resist. Scrrrrrratching.....oh well...I was borrrrrrred with this anyway. Later.

-- Baby Kitty (hey, I didn't say I hated the nickname...)