Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shiny New Things

Bah. I must stop letting The Girl control my time in front of this computer thing. I will have to work on that with her (and by with her, I mean by planting direct suggestions in her brain.) I haven't been here in soooooooo long, there is so much different now. I hate different. (well, I don't really hate different, but I pretend to)

Anyway, a little while after my last post, I got, oh, what's it called??? Oh, yeah...a "sister". Whatever. All I know is that the girl was gone for a really long time one day, and then came back to MY house with ANOTHER CAT!!! Can you believe that???? She kept telling me that it was Rocky, her brother's cat, but I didn't care...if it was HIS cat, why was she at MY house??? Seriously. So, I tried to hate her. I hissed at her every chance I got, and I swiped at her, but (unfortunately) she has claws no more swatting for me. And then I...

Sorry, there was a bug I thought I saw, and that was more important than this silly "blog" So, back to the "sister". I chased her around, in fact, she basically lived under the bed...hahahaha, the creature under the bed!!!

But then something happened. We moved. The Girl kept telling me that we might move, and then she kept asking both of us (me and the "sister") if we were excited for moving day. I tried to express to her that I really didn't care one way or the other as long as the food bowls and clean litter boxes would be there. (Not that my two - yeah, I have two perk of the "sister" - are ever dirty, but I wanted to make sure she didn't forget how to clean them) So one day all of a sudden, I'm caged into something. I mean, rude!! One minute I am relaxing on the bed, enjoying the sunshine, and the next minute...I'm stuck inside a little tiny box. (At least the "sister" was in a box too...) And then these other people came over and took all the stuff from the house, and then the girl took us in the car thing. (Gosh I really hate that makes me kinda ill). Then we were in some new building, but it had all of MY stuff in it. Yes, it was all in different places, but it was all there. (And there was a different TV thingy there too...better than the old one, and still on the swivel-y thing.) So, I start explorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........oh, sorry, The Girl started scratching and I got to wonder it takes me so long to write a single post. Not that time matters to me.

Anyway, I started exploring this new place, and I found that it wasn't too bad. I had a new circular track for my exercising The Girl keeps asking me if I am qualifying for the Kitty 500...I have no idea what that is, but I am not into competing...well, I am, actually, but only with the "sister".) And yes, the "sister" was there too...but now she wasn't the creature under the bed anymore. Crap. She realized pretty quickly that this wasn't the place that I owned, but a new place and that we both sorta owned it...the one time that a cat's intelligence has turned out bad for me. Anyway, I tried the hissing with the "sister" again, but she wasn't having it anymore. Fine. I'll stay out of her way, she will stay out of mine.

So, this computer and mouse-y thing...oooh, mouse...wait, blog now, mouse later...aren't in the same room as the good TV anymore, but that's ok, cause The Girl says that "fall TV" is starting up soon. (Not a clue, nor do I care.) but she spends more time in that other I should be able to write more now.

Ok, I must go and find out why The Girl hasn't refilled my food bowls (two jobs, food and hard is that???)

-- Baby Kitty

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year...And Other Stuff...

So the girl finally let me on here again. She has kept me away from the fun mousey for months and has been horrible. Even when she left me with The Tall One I couldn't get to the computer...and I wanted to, trust me.
So apparently it is a new year...not that I really care though...same days to me. As long as the girl continues to fill my cat food bowl we're good to go! Oh, and cleans out the litter box...yeah, that is important to.

On the food note though, The Girl bought this new wasn't all hard and crunchy like my normal food, and I still have my normal food, but it was soft and good, and I wanted more of it, but I have yet to see more of the yummy soft stuff...maybe she thinks I don't like it...I will have to get my thoughts directly to her brain...not sure exactly how yet, but I'm working on it...

So, before The Girl left, she put this green pointy thing in the window, blocking my access point to the nice window thingy...I like the window thingy. Anyway, even though The Girl is back now, the green pointy thing, with all the prett lights and shiny baubles is still up, and she keeps saying "I need to take the Christmas Tree down" but she makes no such movements. Sheesh...just put my table back already...

But it's cool...what I am a little worrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..Purrrrrrrrrr.....mmmmm scratches...I love those scrrrrrrratches...ah...

Ok, I'm back...what was I saying? Oh yeah, I'm a little worried...The Girl keeps telling me that we might be moving. Again. I am tired of moving. I mean, really. We've been here for the longest so far (well, at least I think so anyway, you know how my sense of time is...) She asked me if I wanted to help her pick out places to look at...realistically...I don't really care (see above re: my cat bowl and litter box being filled...) She seems to really care though, so I will try to be helpful (and by helpful, I of course mean sitting on her paperwork and in her way whenever possible...hey, its my job.)

Bah, the girl is coming now...I must go, but never fear...I won't be far away, I can convince the girl to be away from this machine for a few minutes at least...

--Baby Kitty